An Exercise Treadmill Test for, also called an Exercise ECG or Stress Test, is a test where the electrical activity of your heart is recorded through an electrocardiogram whilst you walk on a treadmill machine. The idea of this test is to objectively assess how well your heart functions during increased activity.
Our Treadmill Test in Harley Street is conducted by a doctor who will attach special sensors called electrodes to your chest. Your heart rate and blood pressure will be monitored throughout the test. You will also be monitored for any symptoms such as chest pain/tightness or dizziness.
The Treadmill Test usually goes on for a maximum of 15 minutes. And the average duration someone will walk for is around 9 minutes.
This test is recommended for:
- Diagnosing coronary artery disease
- Diagnosing heart rhythm problems (arrhythmias)
- Checking the effectiveness of procedures done to improve coronary artery circulation in patients with coronary artery disease
- Predicting risk of dangerous heart-related conditions such as a heart attack
- Determining a safe level of exercise
Your treadmill test in Harley Street can be easily and conveniently arranged by calling us on 020 7580 3145 or online by clicking on the button below.