19 Harley Street, London, W1G 9QJ
A Blood Pressure Monitor is a continuous test to record your blood pressure for a long period of time. 24-Hour blood pressure monitoring is a way of measuring and managing high blood pressure (hypertension).
Hypertension is a blood pressure measurement in which your systolic (upper) blood pressure is at or above 130, and your diastolic (lower) blood pressure is at or above 80 (or 130/80). Blood pressure monitoring allows your blood pressure (BP) readings to be recorded over a 24-hour period, whether you’re awake or asleep.
24 Hour blood pressure monitoring in London yields many readings over a continuous period. In most cases, readings are taken every 20 to 30 minutes during the day and every hour at night. Your heart rate can be measured at the same time. These multiple readings are averaged over the 24-hour period. Changes in BP and heart rate, the BP distribution pattern, and other statistics are calculated.
At the London Centre for Advanced Cardiology, we can offer same-day appointments for your 24-Holter Blood Pressure Monitor in London. The test is relatively simple, as it is non-invasive and does not hurt.
Once you have returned the device to us, the data of your monitor will be sent for analysis and a written report will be sent to you within a maximum of 24 hours.
Based on your results, should the consultant feel that further investigations are necessary, recommendations will be made, and if you feel the need to discuss your results with a specialist, we can organise a consultation promptly.
Our price: £480
19 Harley Street
W1G 9QJ London
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